Our Disciplined Process

Phase I: Discovery

We begin this stage during our initial meeting where we get to know one another. We focus on what your specific needs are and what you want your investment capital to do for you.

Phase II: Strategy

The primary objective of this stage is to develop an effective, long-term investment strategy that is custom tailored to the unique needs of each client. We then develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the strategy we recommend for long-term success.

Phase III: Implementation

The primary objective of this phase is to successfully implement your investment strategy. By means of constant communication and a skilled staff, we strive to make this process quick and easy for you.

Phase IV: Monitoring and Adjusting

We monitor our client's accounts on a regular basis to ensure they are still performing in a way that meets their intention. When we discover that a client's circumstances have changed, or that shifting global markets require a different investing approach, we are quick to suggest adjustments.